Hana Engineers and Consultants, LLC Senior Hydrogeologist Wanfang Zhou, Ph.D., P.G., will be presenting a poster at the Twelfth International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds in Palm Springs, California, from May 22-26.

Wanfang Zhou, Ph.D., P.G.

Dr. Zhou was selected to be one of 1,200 platform and poster presentations at the conference. His submission, which was selected by the conference program committee and session chairs, is a detailed poster titled “Discovery of Submerged Springs: A Step Forward to Effectively Remediate and Manage Contaminated Groundwater in a Karst Aquifer.”

The poster will be on display at the Battelle Chlorinated Conference as part of Session I9 on May 25.

Hana Engineers and Consultants is an engineering and consulting firm based in Richmond, Virginia, with offices in North Charleston, S.C., and operations in several states. The company specializes in Geotechnical, Environmental, Operations Support, Construction Management and other services for a variety of clients. Click for more information about Hana Engineers and Consultants, LLC, including a list of capabilities.

Battelle is an independent nonprofit applied science and technology organization that supports a variety of clients, including small startups to multinational corporations and government agencies.

The environmental remediation industry conference includes topics such as innovations and technologies to address chlorinated and recalcitrant compounds in the environment. The conference is expected to bring together 1,500-1,700 environmental professionals from approximately 27 countries along with 116 exhibitors.