American Creosote Works Hana completed a Treatability Study and Remedial Design to support the American Creosote Works (ACW) Superfund Site, Operable Unit 3 (OU3) in Jackson, Tennessee. The Site was a wood-treatment plant that operated from the early 1930s until...
Five-Year Reviews for FUDS Hana conducted five-year reviews (FYRs) for Camp Sibert, Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) Motlow Range Complex, Corolla Naval Target, and Conway Bombing and Gunnery Range. For each FYR, Hana’s approach included reviewing the Decision...
Supplemental Remedial Investigation at Camp Sibert Hana completed a supplemental groundwater Remedial Investigation (RI). The site falls under the Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) program and requires compliance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response...
Environmental Remediation Services at Tobyhanna Army Depot Hana is providing environmental remediation services at four sites at TYAD, the largest full-service electronics maintenance facility in the DoD. All the work is being completed in accordance with CERCLA. Hana...
Media Nike Site Monitoring Well Abandonment Hana was contracted to abandon all existing monitoring wells (MWs) at the former Media Nike Missile Battery PH – 75/78 Control Area under the authority of the Defense Environmental Restoration Program for Formerly Used...