American Creosote Works
Hana completed a Treatability Study and Remedial Design to support the American Creosote Works (ACW) Superfund Site, Operable Unit 3 (OU3) in Jackson, Tennessee. The Site was a wood-treatment plant that operated from the early 1930s until December 1981. It was listed as a Superfund Site in 1986. The Tennessee Department of Transportation is planning to construct a bypass for US Highway 45 in this area which will limit the remedial action for the final Site remedy. The U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) prepared an Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA) to support the selection and implementation of a Non-Time Critical Removal Action (NTCRA) for the bypass area in OU-3 to address dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) source at the Site. EPA recommended In-situ Stabilization/Solidification (ISS) as the preferred alternative. The Treatability Study recommended successful mix designs for ISS and consisted of geotechnical characterization and analytical testing of site soils; particle size (ASTM D6913), moisture content (ASTM D2216) organic matter (ASTM D2974); development of preliminary mix design formulations where mixes are prepared and tested for unconfined compressive strength (ASTM D1633), permeability (ASTM D5084), leachability using EPA Test Method 1315, and hydraulic conductivity. The Draft Remedial Design package included a Preliminary RA delivery strategy including outline of construction drawings (traffic plan, stormwater plan, utility plan, limits of work, excavation plan, ISS treatment plan, and site restoration plan), Basis of Design Report, Treatability Study Report, ISS performance monitoring plan, construction drawings, value engineering, Remedial Action (RA) cost estimate, and a preliminary RA schedule. The draft design also incorporated Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan/erosion control, wetland mitigation, potential need for dewatering, swell material management, and other design aspects relevant to ISS. The Final Design Package included the bid schedule that comports with USEPA’s RA project delivery strategy, final drawings and schematics, Final Basis of Design Report, Final ISS performance monitoring plan, final revised RA cost estimates, and a schedule of the overall RA.
Project Details
Location: Tennessee