Belle Isle State Park Living Shoreline Engineering Support
Hana provided engineering design and construction oversight for the breakwater protection to Belle Isle State Park Shoreline. The entire project involved coordination among multiple agencies, including Belle Isle State Park, VDOT, and Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) for project management and execution; USACE and Virginia Marine Resources Commission for permitting; Department of Historic Resources (DHR) for Cultural Resource protection; and NOAA and Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources for protection of terrestrial and aquatic species and habitat. Hana worked closely with DCR and the DHR Archaeologist to develop the Archaeological Project Review and Plan. Ultimately, the project design was adjusted to incorporate a historic brick well structure, that DHR did not want disturbed or destroyed. Hana performed QA and DHR provided oversight of construction in this archaeologically sensitive area.
Project Details
Client: Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)
Location: Lancaster, VA